WeIrD sOnG oF tHe WeEk: Boy Language

Boy Language DAEVIN Joey Lucente Joshua Grimes Oh My God It's Boy Language Party Jackets WeIrD sOnG oF tHe WeEk weirdsongoftheweek Wisconsin

WeIrD sOnG oF tHe WeEk: Boy Language

Photograph courtesy of the artists A weekly dose of weird, "WeIrD SoNg Of ThE WeEk" presents you with Chicago's strangest, wonkiest, noisiest, most fun, intergalactic, icky, gooey songs one week at a time.                   This week’s WeIrD sOnG oF tHe WeEk is brought to you by Boy Language, the side project of songwriters Joey Lucente and Joshua Grimes. By day, Joey and Joshua are members of the bands Wisconsin and Party Jacket respectively, but come night, Boy Language comes out to play. The “hawt duo” (Joey’s words) fused both of their love for...

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